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Just A Moment For Advice

Need some advice? I am always helping my friends out with it even if they didn't ask me for it. If you want advice on something off this topic below or any other topic, write to me and ask me, I will see what I can do to help you. Just beware, I'm a big writer. :)

What Would You Do?

By, Kat KittyLove

To have that one that makes you smile
to keep the one that makes you laugh
to hold the one who makes you fall for them
to be the one at their side for all time
it's hard to ignore feelings for someone once they are gained
it's hard to deny the heart from who it desires
life without them becomes a desperate act to cling to them so they can't leave your life
loving them, cherishing them, and treasuring every moment spent beside them
will only mean more to you than ever thought before
when they are gone, and away from you
you tend to feel like they took a part of you away
you feel lost..
you feel gone..
you feel no longer "yourself"...
you feel empty
incomplete even.
but once they are nearby
you get excited
feel even at flight with your heart feeling at sparks
your hands shake
your words tremble
sometimes you just get lost for words and become speechless until they speak first
and you long to be in their arms never to let them go again
I know.
And then to hear them tell you how they feel about you right on back
it's overwhelming
it brings tears
it brings a smile
and it makes the feeling of being in love with them even stronger
especially if during your time apart you get a message from them saying
"I miss you"
that is all the worth in the world
and you want them to know you miss, and love them very much aswell
finding that special someone to keep can be difficult
but once you realize you really found that one for you
never let them go if they mean this much to you and more
but only if they also in turn, feel the same about you
love is not a game
you are not a player in a relationship

If playing someone and intending hurt to them is all you're in it for

then a relationship isn't for you

Ask yourself

would you like it if someone used and played you?

wouldn't it hurt your feelings and bring down your self esteem?

It would make you think deep thoughts

both good and bad

but more of, what did I do to deserve this?

Some of you will know what you did but won't admit it outloud but only to yourself

Some of you will know you did nothing, that they were only unaccepting of you

they didn't appreciate you they way that you did of them

Don't let ones mistake ruin someone elses chance with you

They might be the one you're looking for

but if you treat them as if they are the one that last made mistakes on you and hurt you

it will only push them away from wanting anything with you anymore

if it's a close friend, it's best not to date a friend, or an ex of a friend

it will in turn ruin your relationship with them, instead of the person you are interested in

that person may get pissed off at you and want nothing more to do with you

but if you leave the other person with high hopes that you wer gunna be with them

well, most i can tell you is that the situation will only get worse for you
Love is a life test for you to prove to each other that nothing can tear you apart
the two of you become one
you share emotions
you share ideas
you talk things out to keep things working when one isn't happy
you comfort one another to show that you will always be there for them
you can say that a relationship is just the same as a parent and their child
you both treat each other with the tenderness love and care
to make sure the other is okay and happy
you would do anything for them
in return with a good relationship, they will always do the same for you
a relationship isn't selfish, ignorant, disrespectful, disloyal, unfaithful, untruthful, helpless, careless, or something to just throw away
it is full of respect, cherishing, faithful, loyalty, honesty, unselfishness, caring, love, acceptance, admiration, appreciation, and full of help when needed or wanted or not, regardless of any excuse or condition
it's not something to just pass by as an "opportunity"
if it is meant to be, then it'll be
don't sit and wait around being with someone who rather be somewhere else
a relationship isn't a "tie down"
but it is meant for correct behavior around the opposite sex when you're in a relationship
it's nice to show one off so they see how proud to be with them you are
but don't take it so far that they take it out of proportion and change who they are by thinking everyone wants them, then they end up leaving you for the next person
Making them known to be desirable will make others chase them away from you, for them to steal away
but making sure they are known to be acceptable and admired of your love, is the best way to show them your love and appreciation to have them be a part of your life
love can sometimes take time to form for some
others it can be an easy, fast pace thing, but will later fall to mistakes and regret so be careful
just because you fell for someone "immediately"
doesn't mean they will love you "immediately" in return, or even at all really
maybe that isn't how the person sees you
maybe they just aren't ready for that kind of commitment
maybe their interest is in someone else, or aren't quite over their last relationship
or maybe they aren't quite interested
you should never push someone into having feelings for you
if they want to grow feelings for you, it will happen eventually, just don't push it, you'll be pushing them away in turn
relax, and enjoy life with them the way things are
keep things smiley and happy
if things seem down on their side of life, do what you know cheers them up
be there for them, make them happy, whatever it takes
just stop trying so hard to win someone over that may not want you that way
it'll in turn be heartbreak for you, and a waste of time and effort
just because one person doesn't work out for you
doesn't mean it's the end of the world
there are plenty of others out there looking for the same thing that you are
some can be hard to find, right under your nose that you never thought to look at...aka the "good guys"
some are easy to find but aren't the right person for you, you may find that out too late... aka "the douches and @$$holes.."
don't always go for the pretty good looking one...
just because they LOOK good... doesn't make them a GOOD person.. or a "good choice"
just because they act all bad@$$ and swag...again doesn't mean they won't care about you
people always seem to look in the wrong places and most at the wrong times
you don't know someones history by looking at them
you need to get to know someone first before jumping into things with them
like for example,
would you just jump into a car with a hobo that looked insane, filthy, and toothless?
No, right? But why?
It's not because he's a "bad guy" we all know deep down that he's not
you only take him as a "bad choice" because of how he looks, and maybe how he talks, or smells.
we take things for granted when we see something that looks good or bad.
how would you feel if you were that hobo and someone called you disgusting and a disgrace to human life?
you know you better than anyone else
or do you?
maybe you're like me...
have many friends that see you for who you are, what you are, and why you are the way you are including how you are when you react to things said or done to you.
Me personally have never realized til a friend once said it to me
"I noticed one thing about you, you take everything as if its directly against you"
I never realized that but I know it deep down, and I know my reason why I am that way.
My mom has always put me down, rejected me, disowned me and threatened my life several times over being jealous of me and wanted my life to be as miserable as her own when she was growing up. Basically giving me the payback she wanted to put on my grandfather. Is that fair to you?
No, right?
Then don't treat someone like they are a nobody
everyone is a somebody
many people act bad because they want to be noticed by certain people
they want love and respect just like anyone else
and maybe they lost out on it

I didn't get much care growing up except by my own grandparents. That's it. But do I ask people to pitty me? Do I tell people to feel bad for my life because it's been "worse" than anyone elses life could have been? No. Because I don't know that. But I do know that there are lives out there that are worse off than my own. I don't mind telling my story to others so they know a bit more about me and why I am how I am. I give care and ton of love to everyone around me because I don't want to be like my mother. Beaten as a child and beat up everyone around her as an adult and fake who I am so people think I am innocent... heck no. Would you do that? Would you become something you once refused to become? Would you do everything you could not to become it? Would you do as I do, and do the exact opposite and become the better person within yourself? I live by the Golden Rule: "Treat others how you wish to be treated." if someone disrespected me, I disrespect back. Respect is earned, not just given out to anyone by demand. If you demand respect from others, they don't respect you right? Is that earning respect? No. That's telling people to respect you when you aren't even respecting them. To get respect back you need to give it first. I am there for all my friends when I can be. When they ask me to be here with them, I do what I can, IF I can to be there. Why? because I know if I asked them for the same favor, most would do the same for me as I just did for them. Favor is just the same as respect. Give a favor, you'll get one back. That's all anything is these days. Do a job, you get paid. Give more than enough money when you buy something, you get change back. Or you spend a certain amount worth of money, you get coupons and deals to help you save money, or you win prizes to gain money back. It's a give and get world people. Wake up to it. Open up to it. Let me ask you something that is somewhat still on topic... in or out of a relationship... would you just give sex to someone just because they want it, and asked you for it, when you aren't in "the mood". Honestly, if you just answered yes, then you mind as well have just said yes to rape or prostitution. They are getting the pleasure, but you aren't because you didn't want it in the first place... you just laid down and did it to make them satisfied. Respect isn't just for others guys... it's also for yourselves. Respect one self before giving respect to others....seriously. Think about what you're doing and what you say to others before doing and saying them.... it can really lead to huge mistakes...and endless regret. Live a life people... not live hell. Life is a gift, not a torture train. No one should feel trapped.... it's a free world, gutta live it right.


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