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Some Of My Works Of Art

A warning ahead: there are some photos that are not appropriate for children's eyes so please look through these with caution. Thank you!

These are only few of many more that are sadly lost of the things I've done. Several of these are really old guys!!! So don't judge! Haha.. These include drawings of things that came to mind, paint by numbers, Bob Ross paintings I've tried, silly doodles I've done in neon just being plain out bored, and my usual manga characters that I've drawn over the years. So YES! That means my style is MANY styles lol. All depends on my mood really. Also, if anyone asks the question if some of these drawings are of me and someone else I used to be with, the answer is yes just a few, I present them on here still due to the fact that they are part of my works of art even if it's pictures I've made for others I've been with before.  Also two are photos of two cats I've owned Angel and Felix. Both in which are gone. And the front view of the baby photo you will find is actually my first Christmas photo as a baby. The anime photos at the bottom are ideas of characters to stories I have created for books I once planned to write. They are drawing ideas friends have given me to do. Also the Family drawing that you will find is a drawing I made predicting what gender my youngest child would be while I was actually still pregnant before I knew what I was even having lol which many photos I had with my family were bundled together to create that picture. The group of chibi's is a bunch of old friends of mine I used to hang out with. And the chibi Crabbs picture is me and my ex Jason.  "Crabb" was our nickname for each other for being "cancer crabs", we shared the same horoscope and we made many jokes with it. And last to warn you about is my very first try of airbrush painting with my drawing tablet on sketchbook. I surprised myself with how it came out so.. Be fairly warned that it is a girl in lingerie so it is not for children's eyes. Thank you!.. Anyway, hope you enjoy! Remember to click on the photo to make the picture expand to view in full. :3 My most recent ones are at the bottom. The rest are kinda old. xD

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